November Blog Challenge

So a little while back, 31 days to be exact, I read a post asking to take a challenge. The challenge seems simple enough … Blog every day for the month of November. The idea is to blog every day about a topic in agriculture.


After thinking about this for the past month and chatting it over with Simon, I have decided to accept the challenge. I actually decided a while ago to accept the challenge but it has taken time to find my topic. I have always figured that life will present my topics for my blogs to me and often it does.

I have thought through several topics ranging from family life on the farm to growing up on an unconventional “funny farm” to food topics, and then something amazing happened. I was elected the Executive Chair of the 2017 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. For those of you that are not familiar with WI Farm Tech Days, it is the largest farm show in the state of WI and the planning starts three years before the show. I am very honored to have been elected Executive chair by a group my peers. It also presented my topic of choose for my Blogging Challenge. No it isn’t all about the Farm Tech Days specifically, but my topic of choice is to showcase what is sustainable agriculture.

I am going to be honest. There will be days that my blog may not be the lengthy and there will be some that are more my thoughts on the matter. I am going to try and offer as many references and links in my posts so that the readers will be able to go and do their own research if they want to learn more.

I hope that you all enjoy!

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